Why We Write

Writers, like painters, musicians and other artists are compelled to create. Writing is like breathing, it is necessary to survive. Storytelling and the sharing of information is what has allowed cultures and civilizations to thrive, it is innate to who we are as human beings. The printed word allowed books to accompany passengers on their quests. Our stories and traditions moved beyond our huts and villages, across oceans and over continents. Today the Internet and World Wide Web are our campfires. Writers can with a keystroke be connected to readers. An instant audience of scores or hundreds or thousands of readers await your poetry and prose. If your only motivation to write is the illusive six-figure publishing contract. If your intention is to share your manuscript only with an agent, then you might not truly be a writer. If however, you have ideas, hopes, dreams knowledge to share with others, write, breathe, be who you are: a writer.

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