Your book marketer is your storytelling ally.
I’m Stephanie Barko and as a book marketer, I promote stories I believe in. I see stories that are a force for good showing up in the way a product is developed or the style in which a movie is produced. A nonprofit’s story may unfold from the clients it serves, while a corporation’s mission may derive from the story of its founder.
Nonfiction stories have inspired me to become more aware and inclusive, while novels have enlivened my imagination and curiosity.
Good stories run deep and are worth sharing. Stories are the backbone of our culture.
We are our stories. And our stories are constantly evolving.
Whether I’m promoting a true story or a novel,
I am your storytelling ally.
I have always been drawn to storytelling.
My own story changed at age 21 when my workaholic dad dropped dead. Everything shifted for me that year. I began the long process of extricating myself from an unsustainable work style and started finding my own voice. Eventually, I began marketing products and concepts that held more meaning for me. While in a writing circle, I found myself promoting their stories, in addition to writing my own. From that moment, I came to the realization that I had found exactly what I was meant to do.
Now, and for the past 15 years, I have been advocating for the stories I admire with the values I believe in.
Here’s what I know: Your story matters.
Whether I’m developing your book platform or bringing you five-star reviews,
my passion is attracting readers who will be touched by your storytelling.
What Genre Do You Write?
Nonfiction or Historical Fiction
If you write nonfiction or historical fiction and are four months or more prior to publication, I invite you to request my client application by clicking the button below and then I will be in touch and let you know if I think I’d be a good fit to help you with your book promotion.
A different genre...
If you write a genre outside my area of specialization, or if your book is already released, you’re welcome to schedule a phone consult to discuss what you might do on your own to advance your project or who I might recommend to help you.
Stephanie Barko is a historical fiction and nonfiction book marketer and publicist whose award-winning clients are published in all three publishing tracks–traditional, hybrid and independent.
Subgenres that Stephanie promotes include:
how-to, history, autobiography, psychology, career, biography, social science, self help, spiritual, memoir, historical fiction, coming of age, and body mind spirit. Debut authors are especially welcome.
Stephanie Barko
Ms. Barko was invited into the publishing industry in 2006 after many years in high tech marketing. In 2017, Stephanie was selected to Mentor at SXSW Interactive.
The following year Stephanie traveled to Historical Novel Society UK Conference in Glasgow to help HNS members with their projects.
Stephanie has presented on book marketing & publicity at professional conferences held by Historical Novel Society North America, Oklahoma Writers Federation, DFW Writers, Women Writing the West, and the Writers’ League of Texas. She is published in Southern Writers Magazine, and San Francisco Book Review, and has been quoted in Writer’s Digest.
Stephanie has served as a Recommended Associate at Author U, an Industry Expert at Author Learning Center, and a Panel Moderator for the past ten years at Texas Book Festival.
The nonfiction book group that Stephanie founded has been featured in BookBrowze.
In 2014, Stephanie was profiled by both Environmental Defense Fund and National Audubon Society for her commitment to the earth. Currently she volunteers for Texas Exes, evaluating scholarship applications, and for ScholarMatch, coaching high school seniors who aspire to become first gen college students.
Stephanie has degrees in Business & Sociology and is an Austin Texas publicist.